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For primary/teens (10 to 19 years old)


Building mental resilience, happiness and success for young people

About Play 2 Resilience 

The cultivation of emotional maturity, social responsibility, and adaptability is paramount for achieving personal growth and success. These qualities enable individuals to navigate life's challenges with greater ease and foster stronger relationships with others. It is imperative that we endeavor to develop these traits within ourselves and promote their cultivation in others.


1) The Emotional Maturity module equips children/teens with skills to identify, articulate and communicate emotions effectively. They'll understand emotions, relate differently to negative emotions and apply tools to modulate negative emotions.


2) The Socially Responsible module is designed to foster accountability in children/teens by imparting consequential thinking and decision-making skills. Furthermore, we provide them with effective techniques to manage unproductive thoughts that may impede their concentration while studying. 


3) The Adaptability module equips children/teens with skills to identify and manage stress, face challenges with courage and optimism.

Programmes frameworks

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The Play 2 Resilience programmes ( 10 to 19 years old) are developed based on the following robust and time proven frameworks:

University of Oxford Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy - MBCT         

Providing neuroscience-backed theories and tools to stay focused and learn coping strategies to handle stress and anxieties.  

Dot b Mindfulness In School Project (UK)  

Providing context and teaching                          methodology for students.

Emotional Intelligence

Covering competencies of:

  • Self-Awareness of the quality of our Thought/Feeling/Action. 

  • Self-Management of negative emotions, impulses,  decision making, accountability of our actions and improving self-esteem.


Positive Psychology 

Covering reframing, gratitude and other tools to deal with uncertainties and difficult situations with confidence. 


Programme Modules*
( 9 x 1 - 1.5 hour onsite,  weekly / bimonthly sessions)

Emotional Maturity 
1. Knowing emotions
2. Sensing emotions in your body
3. Attention training
4. Curious with emotions

Socially Responsible   

5. Cause & Effect thinking

6. Making sound decisions 

7. Anxieties/stress and efficiency


8. Befriending difficulties in life   

9.Practising Optimism

* contents are contextualized for primary and teen sessions

Programme validation


A prospective study was conducted on 21 first-year students from a Polytechnic in Singapore to evaluate the effectiveness of an 8-lesson emotional intelligence and mindfulness program called Resilience for Teens. The program was conducted over a period of 2.5 months, with each session lasting between 1.5 to 2 hours. The data collected from this trial was analyzed by Dr Ong Seh Hong, Senior Consultant, Psychological Medicine from Khoo Teck Phuat Hospital, and two significant results emerged. Students were:

a) Better at managing their stress, peer pressure which leads to less anxiety.


b) Better at making decision because they can respond wisely to (challenging / stressful) situations instead of reacting to them.

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